This blog is different from our family blog in that these are little pieces of our "everyday". Things that happen in our everyday life. Things that we do in our everyday routine. Things to remember, but they might not have made it into our scrapbooks...thus the Project Life/Project 365 approach. Hope you enjoy!

OH...and the word "Voting" below my header? Don't know what it is, nor how to remove it!

March 1, 2011

I did something unusual today...I actually went to the doctor! lol  I really dislike going to the doctor, so this was a pretty big step for me.  Our local hospital was hosting a "healthy heart screening" program (at greatly reduced rates) and I signed up.  I have a VERY strong family history of heart disease, have had high blood pressure for probably 20 years, and was recently told I have high cholesterol.  Those things put me into a high risk category and a prime candidate for this type of screening.  I had an EKG and blood tests done today, and will go for a CT calcium scan next week.

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